// Define variables
let a = 11; // You can choose any value
let b = 7;  // You can choose any value

// Perform operations and log results
console.log("Sum:", a + b);          
console.log("Difference:", a - b);   
console.log("Product:", a * b);      
console.log("Quotient:", a / b);  

<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
// Define variables
let num1 = 37; // You can choose any value
let num2 = 11;  // You can choose any value

// Calculate the remainder using the modulus operator
let remainder = num1 % num2;

// Log the result to the console
console.log("Remainder:", remainder);  // Output: 2

<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>
// Define variable
let count = 10;
console.log("Initial Count:", count);  // Output: 10

// Increment using ++
console.log("After Increment (++) :", count);  // Output: 11

// Decrement using --
console.log("After Decrement (--):", count);  // Output: 10

// Increment using +=
count += 5;  // Increment by 5
console.log("After Increment (+= 5):", count);  // Output: 15

// Decrement using -=
count -= 3;  // Decrement by 3
console.log("After Decrement (-= 3):", count);  // Output: 12

// Increment using ++ again
console.log("After Increment (++) again:", count);  // Output: 13

// Decrement using -- again
console.log("After Decrement (-- again):", count);  // Output: 12

// Final increments and decrements
count += 2;  // Increment by 2
console.log("After Increment (+= 2):", count);  // Output: 14

count -= 1;  // Decrement by 1
console.log("After Decrement (-= 1):", count);  // Output: 13

<IPython.core.display.Javascript object>